Yeah, theres been better ones, but its a pretty nice picture.
That's not a cnc. Its Pretty Good, i think a tablet would be better seems how you draw that face like, 24/7 at school. you got the yellow perfect...
not always? say you drive a car? once you master it, you cant get better, its a matter of oppinion on most things.
Put it on FP, and ill makle a new one later. I got the most recent sig, and if anyone spams any more, there signature request will be denied.
wait your turn, we have lives.
oh, well then, get a newer font, something that looks better. and set to soft light, if you didnt, instead of changing the opacity.
Wierd, but its a pretty sick video. nice find
nothing gets by you.. 3 infractions you loose of topic until they wear off, 3 perm infractions, you loose off topic and sigs for good.
Panda! Yay! Some of those look pretty cool.
I dont see what you did to it other than add text? is there a stock? or is that it.
DC Killa is doing it.
Please fill out the form. and then ill do something.
Im back, and lagzorz, your sig was cancelled due to your inactivity.
Natu needs me back, can you grab that sig when your not busy? i was having trouble with it anyways, it was fun helpin you out, maybe ill do it...
yo, do you mind if i like, make your sig sports like? like the nba symbol? the blue red and white, but the white, will be silver?
not stolen.
i believe he wanted it orange., just colorize it.i cant right now, im eating dinner.
ye, i only got one done but my gimp frpze up for like 15 mins.
hers yur sig. Finished. [IMG]