i looked at hunters for inspiration. i might use this Black Cat by =iKate on deviantART or this Onyx frog by *ladymorgana on deviantART so...
iidk, im not that great with sigs that are like, real they dont usually look good when i do them, i i really want to enter. idk why.
Why thank you :D
yeah, got any good stocks of DA ? im thinking of like, a nice border, good lighting good blurring/ sharpening for it. thats it though, just...
Ohh.. im attempting to make a signature. failing though.
whats up? unless of course, you dont want to reply.. thats fine too.
yeah, i was lookin through gna and seen icequim, so i decided to say Hello.
i love the blurring and the border is amazing. i say v2.
The first and last elite picture are your best, a bit overused effect though.
helll yes.
omfg. i didnt know what you meant by "IT" i almost **** my pants. i didnt look that long, only the glance but his outfit looksa bit to colorful.
first to message you bout the name change ;D nice job!
yeah, a little over rated, but i like it, its not all flashy but still looks good. 4/5
yeah, they are over used alot, i like the second last and the first.
lol, im just playing. btw, you got sig'd.
self pity?
thats not myt point, its that your only on this site to get something on your video's your not here to look at maps, or chat with people.
are you just here to request a signature? you still have no post's and the only threads/ posts youve posted are in gna shops and the gna section...
yeah, looks great accept for the nasty orange, and the bright spot on his shoulder, 4 dead cats / 5