Sadly no.
lo I started on this before that map preview was posted
This should work Wow I didnt know that melee damage controlled splatter damage. That would've helped out for alot of my maps.
Well, the original idea was to use the banshees as the predators, but I've since changed it because I learned that it was impossible for the...
Well I'm looking forward to the final product
Yeah you always build up all this hype but then I never seem to find an actual finished product. Hopefully this time you'll follow through
You wouldn't be able to make it look good so IMO, dun do it
I dont have any sounds but maybe you could play some ODST campaign and record some sounds from that.
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Well Leapin' on Lily Pads is a casual game I've been working on where the humans are like frogs that hop from lily pad to lily pad, trying to get...
Congrats on the feature. Much deserved
I never plan. I get an idea and build off of that.
Looks to be a great doubles map. So clean and refreshing, but I did a quick walkthrough and while the teleporters are cool, I feel that they dont...
Lol I didn't Matt. I really didn't feel like it and I didn't think it'd be a major prob And @longshot, no you can't since it isn't supported
[IMG] UNSC officials have quarantined this once bustling boulevard for unknown purposes. 6-12 players. Intro Welcome to Boulevard. This map has...
Yes it has and welcome back
I like the idea of separating the team into two squads. I think you should keep this idea, but make the rest simpler. You are right, people are...
Maybe it's not too late then to go for this weekly
Two movies I wanna see: cowboys vs aliens and super 8.
lol that's pretty cool. Although it's a tad unproportional