Red=Humans Blue=Infected I'm beyond that's your prob. I don't even mess w/ labels when it comes to infection.
Mellow platforms?
Rotunda Rotunda is BTB map in the works by CAPNxCANT and I. We wanted to create a fun, relaxed BTB map. We need help/suggestions on:...
So what is achieved by establishing a "no fly zone?" I'm not trying to make a point or anything, I just really don't know what it does.
A highlands-esque forgeworld would be ideal IMO. Same setting, same type of objects(UNSC).
Data hive
Get on now
Rally on Paradiso.
Anime is repulsive and this is just ridiculous.
Power slayer will be interesting. Speedflag sounds like the best IMO. I'm ready to see some of the unique ways these are used.
So are we getting this armor soon or what?
So where do we sign up to be a tgif host? Thnks
Nice idea using Data Hive for invasion. Too bad I hated the mission in ODST :P Nonetheless, this is a really well made map and overall fun to play...
Two falcons might be a little too much in my opinion. Snipers have 2 spare clips instead of 4? Didn't they already just have 2 spares?
Wow I'm really liking this new banner.
Yeah the update in general looks very promising. Especially with them updating certain maps so people won't be cheap. Thank god no more banshees...
Sounds like an interesting playlist and all, but I'm betting this will be limited due to the poor quality of the maps. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Grats on artisan.
Alot of his jokes were so bad and racist that they cut some of them from the show. I know one of them was about snoop dog being a slave or...
I don't have an iPad, but try this