Oops, kept meaning to post a reply and forgot. Got all caught up in my latest puzzle map. That and college (pshh) I was able to jump out in the...
Yeah yeah, that was way before I made all the fixes to the map before releasing it. That cannot be done in the final version. That's what testing...
Or maybe the hints weren't so obvious as you thought... Anyhoo how is the progress going on completing my map? I've yet to see a video.
Lol actually you did it the right way Link. You're supposed to kill yourself with the beam rifle. That takes you to the bit where you have to then...
Sounds good link. Sage there are a number of subtle changes from the beta, there are now 4 deployable covers to find and I fixed a bunch of...
Well in that case I look forward to seeing a video of you completing it shortly. If you have a video for me by the end of the week, without me...
You may think the hints give alot of help, but you'd be surprised.... Things are alot more complicated than they first appear, I'm just helping...
You may remember me from such puzzle maps as TERRORtories and Earth. Well now I bring to you my most evil puzzle map yet. Re on carnation (get...
It may have been due to my puzzle map popularity that it got more attention. Also I made sure the map appealed to Halo 3 playes as well as...
Yeah you really have to play through Facility to realise how surprisingly well-balanced it is (thanks to lots of user testing before release)....
yargh I have but three words to say to thee! Testing, testing, testes...er....testing! Have a bunch of people on your friends list test your...
Yeah I just do puzzle maps and remakes. I've dabbled at an infection map but I made it so tactical that barely any of my testers ever...
Cheers, Come on guys keep the feedback coming. I promise you that even though this is a remake it is still a good slayer map for anyone that...
Re: Earth (Puzzle Map) Fair enough Ferret. You may like my Spartan course or Terrortories puzzle maps better then, I made them before Earth and...
Re: Earth (Puzzle Map) yeah Ferret it is very hard to work out what to do sometimes without the video but I did say it was designed for...
Thanks. The first thing I thought when I got foundry was "What cool maps can I remake!". Top of my list was Turf and second on the list was...
Thanks for the feedback. I did play XIII and I quite enjoyed it, bit of a random question though...
Re: Stacked Nice remake, Stack/Library was one of my favourite maps too! I decided not to remake it because I didn't believe enough justice could...
Cool, lemme know what you think of it. Did you play the original on Goldeneye or Perfect Dark at all?
Re: Perfect Dark remake: Grid Ah Perfect Dark, brings back memories. I struggled to remember this map at first, but it came flooding back. This...