Hey it's cool that you guys played my map, but how the heck did you manage to do like 6 v 6 Team Slayer on it? It' must've been like sardines...
I can't believe this hadn't already been featured, it's been out ages. But just because a map has been out a while doesn't mean it shouldn't...
I'm unsure how that could've happened since there are no spawn points outside. I can only assume that you had more than the recommended 6 players...
Thanks for the comments, good and bad. I'm taking it all on-board for the next optical-illusion map To get everying at a 45 degree angle I just...
I really did try my hardest to ensure that you never spawn in someone's face. Given the small size of the map it was incredibly difficult for me...
Yeah the stuff falls in forge because forge is silly like that, just start a new round or something. Don't worry it all works properly when...
Thanks for the feature. I never thought I would make something worthy of a feature but I'm glad you guys all enjoyed my map! I promise to...
The answer is "Everything". (But what was the question?) Anyhooooooo. A roof is something I am going to try to implement in my new map but I'm...
Another crazy-wazy cloning map. They just started popping up loads ever since that glitch vid Halo3Tricks released on youtube. They never even...
Thanks for the tip. That probably could help with interlocking but you're gonna have to do even more "Save" and "Exit" stuff. Bare in mind I did...
Whenever people try to camp the shield doors with a mauler or shotgun I just throw a plasma at one side of the shield door, hop through the...
Thanks for all the great comments. I'm not exactly sure how I could've made it neater, absolutely every object is at a perfect 45 degree angle,...
Lol, cool, which version of the map were they playing though? I bet it wasn't 1.3 I continue to enjoy everyones positive comments. It would...
I would've added a roof if I'd had any objects left over but I'm afraid I have absolutely nothing left, even after using the infinite budget...
Lol, cool, how many reviewers does the ForgeHub team have? Well I'm happy now that v1.3 is the final version for this map, there don't seem to...
Thank you Vicious Vice for the in-depth review. I loved reading every word. Your break down of the features of the map shows you have truly...
The shotgun is the only power weapon on the map, but it has a 180 respawn time and no spare ammo to balance it out. You're only gonna get a max of...
Lol, OK. Well anyway I've made version 1.3 now and have fixed the issue with the flag return point. I've also made the description for the map...
Ah I never properly checked the flag would score OK, I just assumed it would. Damn looks like I need a V3... Anyway it would appear the...
To be honest I would rather people did not compare this to Shift. They are two rather different maps. Shift is just a regular map tilted...