1. Beam Rifle 2. Spiker 3. Needler
Both yes and no. Wikipedia is a mess of data compiled from other sources, such as websites and encyclopedias, so only in some cases is it helpful,...
happi birfdai
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LnmR1X3G9I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK9wPfUB0ak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uRX6K-A_Xg I thought some of...
naughay monkay, chikon monkay. Twisted, yet entertaining.
Just recently, U.S. president Bush said he vetoed legislation that would ban the CIA from using harsh interrogation methods such as waterboarding...
lol. have you seen this yet? http://www.jibjab.com/sendables/view/h7hE37emQ7Ig3q4I1drw50d8
you are warned.... why?
California's air board, for years an obscure state agency, will take center stage this week when it unveils a blueprint for the nation's most...
I just read that this morning. weird story anyways
Wow gravedigger. Just, wow. You have already been proven wrong about this. How do you think that it transfers easier between gay people?...
I’m reading the last few pages over, and I can honestly say that I’m hearing the words "I believe" a lot. The debate forum isn't a place for...
Matty, nationalism |ˈna sh ənəˌlizəm| noun patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts. • an extreme form of this, esp. marked by a feeling of...
There's a lot of reforms that we must do as a nation together, because we are far from grace, and that's nothing to be proud of.
hehe. your avatar kicks ass
Im not going to go into the fact that half the stuff possibly in area 51 is a rumor, but c'mon, most of what you hear on the news, about...
Wow, I have to say, everyone in here but Nemihara seems to have never taken a world history class. I guess, since I am posting, that I have to...
Just to give some of you a look on who's leading in what state, Click Here EDIT: I have no side for this debate yet, because both are still...
You're either incredibly stupid, overtly racist, or lacking a pulse. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ti19VwLzkY Aaaaaaaargh!