Then your post has no meaning.
lol I can't find it.
Im on a reporting rampage! Come join, yes?
Competitive maps, are maps that support most, if not all game types. Casual maps only support one or two, and have a more laid back style of gameplay.
All Im seeing in this tread, is a sum of members ganging up on some poor guy because his map isn't on foundry, and it's not interlocked. Give him...
ROFL, just found a new one.
THE MAP will be posted soon, very soon. Don't fret my derie (insert scary laugh)
So what you're claiming, is that everything us non believers say is complete crap. If we're so wrong, why not educate us with your obviously...
ima gangster. straight up dogg
Nitrous, + rep to you for making solid and logical arguments, but this is another thread in which people will not listen to the other side. It's...
A public school teacher preached his Christian beliefs despite complaints by other teachers and administrators and used a device to burn the image...
Marriage isn't about religion anymore silly.
lol don't worry about it =P
I did. ill try to put it on youtube so you can see it..
It's a video with the communities' heads cut onto animated bodies. You are the main character, and you kick ass throughout the whole thing, like...
According to a study conducted by two Harvard researchers who have written a book on the subject, kids playing video games doesn't turn them into...
Maybe if I reword it this way, maybe some words will stick to your brain. Seeing that you, a christian, a believer, obviously you would agree that...
Marriage isn't about babies, marriage is about two people who love each other enough to be in a legal bond together.
It's a conspiracy. There's more and more evidence leaning on that 911 was staged by the government so we would have the fight to go after...
Because why? You didn't explain why. Clarify.