Hey Picceta, Let me start off by saying that this map is beautiful. The Forging is so precise that one has to wonder how you even did it....
Alright, it is to my understanding that this is the second time you have posted this map? If so you should know that you can edit your previous...
Getting on right about....now!
Sounds like a plan.......man.
Got some work done on the map....i'll be on in a half hour
I personally see no reason why not, but you should PM a Staff or Admin about that, just in case.
Whew, all is good. I have the day off so I will get to work on that today (assuming the RRoD stays away, which it should cause it did for 2 weeks...
Ick! RRoD! Doing the towel trick and crossing my fingers.
I dunno, the capsules are there for a reason. Yes you can technically camp in there, but it's not like you have no idea someone is in there when...
I have time, I'll get some done tonight.
Aight, not sure if I will be up that late, but if you see me shoot me an inv
I'm out of work for a few days (tell you later) so I'll be up late. I was thinking you may like to play some Far Cry later?
I'm seriously considering taking away one of the shield doors, but I was thinking the side door near the bridge. That way it is technically open...
Pay attention kids. This is how you post if you can't test the map yourself. Forge-Throughs at the very least are what's encouraged, but when you...
Lets cut this off right where it is before it the thread is overtaken by bickering. Everyone said their piece so leave it at that. They call me...
LOL! Get that damn song outta my head! What's for dinner?
Liiiiiiiiick myyyyyyy baaaaalllllllbaaaaag!!!!!
Naw, not on, but you can send me the vid if you like. I know of the center area by the equipment fountain and overpass break, just a simple...
Ha ha ha ha. Ok, well out of curiosity I did a Forge through on my own map and....Broke my own map. You can grenade jump onto the signs in the...
Gamertag is the same as my user name. You don't have to worry too much about sending it if you don't want to, I see a few areas that contain ways...