Fo Sho. So I have been working on a non budget glitched Rats Nest map of the competitive and small nature. I should have a decent amount done by...
This is true. And on an unrelated note, did you notice that 3 games ended in a tie this week in the Fantasy League? I have never seen that happen...
Dare we try Hellvetica? They may not like it since hell i in the title. But then again, it is a mature rated game.
Damn you! I have been working on a competitive Rats Nest map for a bit but you bet me to it! It's ok though, my setup is radically different so...
I am failing to see exactly where I am being a jerk. Even if you find an instance where I was, why should I stand by and let the guy tell me to...
If you are referring to Buckets then you have to realize that he has been repeatedly warned not to spam, not to treat others with disrespect, and...
That's possible, I never really noticed since I have been colored since albums were put into affect.
It's in your profile in the right side column. Least it should be.
Hey man, yeah you need to upload pics to your album and then you can set them to your sub group from there.
Haha, bunch of party poopers. And don't worry too much about Bilbbo there, I am STILL trying to help him understand that a 5 sentence or less...
Bummer. And not to be an pain, but the title of the thread can only be the name of the map, nothing else. In this case LvLs is all that should be...
This is true....also sucks when you get bagged being an internet stalker at work. D'oh!
Can you send me that map overview you created again? My PM box was 98% full and I accidentally deleted it....sadface :0(
Noooooooo!!!! Internet stalker being stalked...Oh the irony.
Not a bad attempt, however you are missing a DL link :0) Also you need to change the title. The name is fine but all the extra stuff needs to go....
I only have the ability to give infractions, warn and ban, and deal with thread duties such as locking, deleting,moving ect..
Moved from Competitive to Casual.
If it's so GodAWFULL (learn to spell please) then why not just leave? Trust me, NOBODY would miss you since out of your 6 total posts you have...
Yeah, some people think the higher the post count the cooler they are, which is untrue. It's really all about quality over quantity. And yes I...
I agree 100%. Part of my responsibility as a Guardian is getting rid of little bastards such as Bilbo. Guys like that love to make new names and...