Why thankyou, sir. Would love some proper comments/reviews in the actual thread :) ;)
Download. Enjoy. Tell me what you think. The Warthog can add some spice for sure, and a well co-ordinated team has an equal chance of dominating...
You rang? --------------- Basically, through my own personal experience, unless your budget is above £500 (US$780) you're generally gonna get a...
I'm good. Snowed under with work though. The company i work for is having a major system change-out and i'm at the centre of it. Fail for the...
Why do people think i've been away? :p I've been here. Doing loads of stuff in the background ... moderating, helping out nubs in the Customer...
Sarge! My sweet rainbow. How are you doing? Your presence has been missed.
This is ****ing genius. Quotes and such from Star Wars sung A Capella in such a way that they sound like different movie themes. All John...
Wrong forum aaaaaaaaand there's already a thread on this in General Discussion. :lock:
Thanks for pointing that out. I'm rarely in the Gaming section. Brownie points for you.
Thanks :)
Aye, i know i could easily find some, i was just hoping some people around here had used some and could recommend any particular ones. Thanks...
Thanks guys. Anyone else?
Could you possibly edit your signature please. 500px by 200px is the limit, even for Respected members ;)
Thousands. Literally. And you have an object 'space' limit of 40,000. Each item has a different 'space' cost, but you can make ridiculous things...
Yeah, i've got it. Been playing it for nearly 2 weeks. Pretty awesome. The editor is famazing. Takes a little while to get into all of the...
No ... why?
Right, i'm looking for some good software to cap videos from YouTube and the like. So i can save them in a regular .avi / .mpeg / whatever format...
This should have been in Off-Topic. Fail for you. :lock:
Seriously ... look at this: SageTim GrandCentral Station Videogames Video on IMEEM Video
Right. This thread is being locked because its riddled with flaming. In an interesting twist of fate, i'm not going to infract anyone who flamed...