But still beautiful.
If you don't think Olivia Wilde is beautiful with short hair, tell me now so I can let your parents know that you're gay. You need thicker skin.
200 multikills in a week is ridiculous.
What's the club's name? What's her name? Tell her to wear something nice.
Don't take her to see Tron. ..unless she's cute.
In JAY's eyes, species can adapt to their environment, but not become so different that they can't still breed. Genetically, they hit an...
Song of Storms is dope, and my ring tone.
Earth didn't "get lucky". Earth is 4.54 billion years old, which for reference's sake, is a shitload of time. Given enough space and time, the...
Sing her "I wanna hold your hand". If you suck at singing, that makes it even more romantic. In fact, try to make it sound terrible to...
YouTube - Saturday Night Live - **** In A Box
It's funny that you consider it a "continual search for truth", and yet the only thing you consider pointless to re-evaluate is the existence of...
YouTube - Community 1.18 Promo - Jeff, Pierce and Amber play Pictionary against Starburns
So Camo, got any new ideas for that invasion map? YouTube - Jurassic Park Soundtrack Track 16
Why is this exactly? Besides obviously having the name of a douchebag. Corey - Girl Taylor - Girl
I went to private school on a scholarship, and I'm supposed to be jealous of someone getting an A on a test in 7th grade? Next I'll be getting...
Spoiler alert! ..I mean, Nerd Alert!
YouTube - Daft Punk - One More Time
Italicised, underlined, AND boldfaced? You're a bold man. I would love to take you home and just ugh, ugh, ugh.
LOL awesome. You should take pics. And bad. It's a bad show. Watch Community instead. Seriously though, Scrubs is the Dane Cook of television.
Isn't Love Actually the greatest romance movie ever? Prove me wrong.