I'd love to play with y- I'd love to play some Reach with you.
You lied to me Chuck. Also, where do I find pictures for SCFN? You'd think that I would have learnt that valuable life skill by now.
Of course mon frere. Noble?
I agree that I am funny, unless you were being sarcastic, in which case shut up.
Bungie not working for anyone else?
The first thing Chuck thinks as he wakes is "What's that weird taste".
If you're going by solar days, it's actually 365240 dicks a year.
Not even. The whole "travel any direction" thing is retarded.
I have one g of R- You can all go **** yourselves.
You still can. Your version is way better.
[IMG] I know you're jealous.
I totally put on "If the Price is right" and everyone thought it was great, then the next map was Hex.
SCFN needs to be revived.
Because you're so uncool you need to make up for it?
Golden Sun Advance Wars Megaman Battle Network Mashed Psychonauts Star Wars Episode I: Racer
YouTube - Andrew Jackson Jihad - Smoking Makes You Cool
I'm never smoking in my life. ...don't want cheese in my mouth.
I'm down for some YouTube - Red Hot Chili Peppers "Snow (Hey O)" live at Fuse in 50 minutes.
Can't argue with that.
My brother locked me out of the room downstairs, so I emptied a box of rice bubbles underneath his mattress and put a post-it note on his door...