However, since your guys's maps is pretty small, maybe you'd have to switch it for sniper and grenade launcher. (I don't know the respawn time of...
Would you consider it MLG competive? Even if you were playing in a casual lobby. If you want to make it a MLG map, I would definitely add sniper...
Oh, and about those questions, that's pretty hard, haha. But I'll try to answer them. Would you consider the map competive? Yeah, I think so....
I'm flattered you ask me, but I rather not do either of the two. I don't think I could be a judge, seeing that I've no experience whatsoever with...
sorry man, but I wasn't around back then. I'll be on again at 6pm GMT, for BIOC.
Yeah I did, definitely. I think it works well for 4v4 too, but indeed 3v3 and 2v2 is probably best. I'm not sure if I can add you, my friends list...
Hey, have you already made a decision whether you're going to manage the gamertag or not?
Haha! xD Do you want me to add some spawn points to your map? Then I can test it again sometime soon (I have holiday this week)
Your new avatar is awesome, I love Breaking Bad. :) How's the introduction video going? I would really love to get started with our channel soon.
lol I just editted something in your post, but you already replied! Whatever, the idea of my message is still the same. xD Okay man thanks, and...
Hey, you're one of the leaders of TCOJ, right? We from BIOC used to do recaps as well, although usually in different way than your guys's style of...
Yeah I know, but everyone prefers to be a human anyway. ;P And, for me personally, makes the fact that you can sneak around as an invisible...
Never mind, it was already in your fileshare, I found it yesterday :) However, when we were going to test it with about 12 players, we had to end...
---------- hey elliot, might not be able to come to your lobby tonight :( i'll message you if i can tho, cos i'd love to attend. sorry:(...
YEAH! Gentlemen, we got 200 members in BIOC!! [IMG]