As long as it stays above 30, its faster than the human eye can register. So I think I'll say "**** you" to double that any day, because half of...
No its okay, he didn't have legs.
*gasp* Look at the Toady! It shall call it Toady and it shall be mine, and it shall be my Toady!
If you mean total, Halocharts. If you mean previous game, do some really hardcore math after each game... OR... just write down how much you...
I... have no idea. All I know is that Titan III is the rank given at 7500 posts.
So many ****ing mushrooms.
I used to take Halo very seriously, but recently took a long break. I came back 1) played it more for fun, and 2) was terrible in comparison to...
This. Is. >.<
Yeah, I remember playing this with my cousins what feels like a year ago. Dunno what he played, but when I played I had some minor issues with... Reply ASAP
I would appreciate if you could contact me with evidence that it was stolen, game history of your friend forging the map, for instance?
Weird rules my butt! Just a question; is this supposed to remind me of a somewhat cramped version of Colossus? I am normally not a fan of much...
You know why that is? When Reach came out, all of the MLG forgers had this brilliant idea of flooding the competitive section with their maps to...
You should consider changing the white text in the title to a different color; we have skins with a white background, and that color would be...
I would say this, because Halo is a game based around teamwork rather than individual skill (unlike Quake, Crysis, etc.) I also think that most...
If it is an assym gametype, where is spawns both teams in both positions, it is best to place static spawns to ensure that each team gets a FAIR...
It let you melee, tap X, then finish them off extremely quick. You tap B for melee, X to cancel the animation, then either B for the second melee...
I have over forty-three sets of daedric guantlets. It irks me.
I've done it off host before, requires an extra push of the Y-button and slightly altered timing. Back in January when I was not terrible, I could...
Erm... I meant static for assym and dynamic for symm gametypes.