I am not talking from the perspective of some average guy, and I am sure as HELL not talking about it as a launch. I know marketing, I know how it...
I hate to be that guy, but Kinect is marketed solely towards casual gamers... even moreso to families. Why the hell would they make a competitive...
Who the **** is Candlejack? Everyone keeps saying his na-
Minecraft; Lets Play!
God, I know. Triple goddamn digits.
I got a remix, its ballin'
This is how you do it.
I might like you better if we slept together.
What are you talking about? Who is Candle Jack? I just have some scary gh-
I am curious as to what you're thinking about, specifically in regards to the attribution of the signature you boast, as well as its story.
I care about the story arc more than the multiplayer, thought if it was H2 style... I dunno, I might be more pulled into that than anything else.
Can you please change his name?
Singularity. In my opinion, its the best story of any game that I have played on the 360. I can't go back to the older consoles, because they have...
HTML is disabled on this site, for some incredibly important reasons that would blow your mind. Because of this, you should use BBCode instead. A...
I probably am a religious heretic because of it, and I will accept that as my title from now on, but I didn't get a kick out of the Mass Effect...
Technically, we can see up to and beyond 220 frames per second, but the cones in our eyes (responsible for color) end up doing 3 times as much...
Whichever guitar was balanced slightly to the left ear at the end of the second was about .20 flat, which is significant enough that someone who...