Woo! partypartyparty
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Have you ever played a good-looking, balanced infection map that was fair to both the zombies and humans? If the answer...
I merely aim to amuse ;)
Candlejack is a bo-
Someone lined to your profile, and I was like "haven't seen him in forever." Checked and saw that you were on five hours previous, and was just...
Yup. Twas fun.
Glad to know bias isn't involved, very glad. We could all aspire to be more like you, oh great one.
I voted Not My Style so that Kuroda's name wouldn't be left all alone... ****ing hipster.
[IMG] [IMG] The Divide Created by: Rorak Kuroda Recommended Gametypes: Throwdown, RK 2v2 Supported Players: 4 Rorak Kuroda’s Divide, a 2v2...
Go 'head, just add a 't' to the end of the first word.
> . <
Sigh. Its, technically, allowed. The damned combination of specific AND vague enough that the creator can defend his position if hes got even a...
Report 'em, I have no idea what you are talking about O.o
Do you still *** here?
Get on skype goddamnit.
Of Legions ftw! LD ♥ <3
Multiple threads created for purposes just vague enough to be different.
You are an idiot. I don't mean that as an insult, I mean it in the way a doctor labels a mentally challenged kid. Here are the reasons behind my...
There is; I don't have to deal with people asking me how you have moderation powers.
Rye Rye - Bang ft. Adam Tensta & M.I.A. (Addeboy vs. Cliff Remix)‏ - YouTube