And from the eternal rain of a thousand winters shalt a hero arise, to brush the dust from the ancient hammer of Permaus Bannamierre, and he shalt...
If only I could +rep my own posts...
We shalt cherish our time now, for when tomorrow comes, I may not recognize the very essence of your being... *tear*
too... Linubidix? Ausman 117? lotso'postsbishes?
As in the blue guys? yeah.
dude, I am so going to go onto my roof and wait, it will be a camp-out of epic proportions. srsly, I'm going onto my roof srsly. BRB
Deal Linu, I'll tell you when I see it, then you have half an hour to inform the masses. And yes, I remember seeing that in your sig and...
Argh Linu... I can't plus rep you for that... oh well... my friend and I thought up a sequel to that, which was Lobsters on a plane... it works...
man... this sucks... I'm going to steal a plane, and if the Swiss screw up, I'm going to fly over there give them their come-uppance.
Hold the **** on... if someone as smart as Nemi believes we're all screwed... *runs off to fulfill all of his life dreams in the next few hours*
hold on... isn't it like 9 hours? well, you probably know better... but everyone, I just want you to know... I <3 U GAIZ
Well, whatever, it's still fine here... wait a second... *runs outside* HOLY F---ING SH*T!!!!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR F---ING LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVES!!!!!!!!
Well, it's Wednesday now, and the End Of The World seems pretty... uh... normal...
that may be so, but we'd so kick your ass in... um... ballet?
aren't you on the gold coast? or in Brisbane? And dun wurry, I had to forfeit 'cause alby had to go dancing with friends... wut a nub...
soon hopefully.
No, 'tis fine
New one would probably be best.