Ahh, Well said. Yeah I heard of staff members being 'forced' to leave for being inactive and what not. It's good to see you back now or at least...
I know who you are, but I'm wondering when did you decide to leave forgehub?
"Dont worry guyz its gun b k; Just flip your banshee." lol The music for the video is really good; very well done and everything seemed to fit...
Now I see what your saying. lol.
lol. I know what you mean. So you would just take the infraction that they will give you? lol.
What's with the huge sig? Isn't that against the rules? lol
He won't get banned for not having a post not up to standards unless he always does this and he constantly breaks the rules. As far as I'm...
I think this needs to be locked. What do you think? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/general-chat/41542-unjust-infractions.html.
I think this needs to be locked now. I'm sorry you got warned but please read the rules before you start to post. And that will usally keep you...
I thought you died... I haven't seen you in awhile. lol
Question answered; please lock this now. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/41246-problem-forgehub.html#post533588
Instant feature? I remember playing this in a game just a few days ago and while I was playing and looking around I noticed some great things...
V What kind of question is that? V
Japan is always farther ahead then the United States in just about everything that I can think of. They have all this technology just so it's...
Nice thread Insane54... It may be a little late to post this but whatever; I have to say this "Let the spam begin". Since most people would say...
YouTube - Flobots-We Are Winning(4 minute version). I think you should try to make a halo version of this song. lol.
DrawingMan: (Noise coming through mic) ToochieHxC: "Eww... It's still sticky from last time" COMMANDERMATT1: "Wait what?!?!" corduroyCHUCK: "lololol"
Lock this too: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/40669-small-n00bish-question.html.
Question answered... This needs to be locked now.
Lock this thread? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/40483-what-happened-my-group.html. I think the question has been answered.