Sorry I was just exited my goal for SpaceAge is now achieved. How many maps get 100 comments? Not many. Sorry
Definately looks origonal I have never seen any thing like it! On the sides it looks a little easy to escape the map. If you made a v2 I would...
Personally I didn't have a very good time. Most of the parties were not set to open and some of the hosts didn't evan show up. This is specially...
It looks like you only took the dome made by Nathan Green or somebody (I know they were a member of forgeguide) and edited it. Sorry man but it...
I don't see the point on making this map asymetical and MLG. An MLG map must be symmetical to qualify as an MLG map. The map itself looks...
The Interlocking looks very cool specially talking about the middle. Not many people chose to make a circular arena as I havn't seen one in a...
Judging by the quotes it looks seems very cool. The structures are origonal and I love the fusion coil boost I have never seen that perposely...
I love asymetrical and origonal maps. Maps like End of the Line are my fav and that is why I made SpaceAge v2. Also I like maps on Avalanche or...
Welcome to forgehub! Evan though the map could be improved with interlocking it still looks cool and well made. I love how you made the sword...
It looks a little messy. I don't think Cold Storage is very forgeable map evan though I have seen some wonderful creations on it. I doubt this...
This is a pretty cool map I loved Headlong! I am glad this was featured it was well deserved.
Another great map by the ABCrew! Great geomerging and interlocking! This map looks like fun! Evan if it wasn't it would still get about100...
This looks like a very good conquest map. It looks like its well made and I love how you used foundry's back rooms. I can see good interlocking...
Evan thoughit doesn't look like it it kin of reminds me of the Labyrinth when foundry first came out. Evan though it doesn't have interlocking it...
Haha this is a very funny aesthletic map! Great work! Havn't seen a robot on standoff now that Avalanche is out... Great job! Also nobody has...
This is a very good well made thought out guide. Good job. I am sorry I will never use this but I'm sure a lot of people can!
They expect us to forge in the mancannon cave or off the clffs where we have plenty of room to make Lockout type maps. Bungie does the best they...
I'll be on in a couple days. My family is on vacation and I am typing from the labtop we brought. SpaceAge v2 has 99 comments you could be the...
My forge partner has the red ring of death so until he gets his xbox back from from microsoft I can help you with a few maps :-) Check out the...
I am actually in the process of making a map on Avalanche. I will be posting an outstanding, well themed map next week. Roche178 and rusty eagle...