Bungie did something GOOD to Matchmaking!! OMG I have got satefaction from visting Bungie.net! As some of you may know Shiska is planning to...
Haha this is really cool! The first screenshot made me think you were modding and haxoring thats how well made and cool this is. Its a...
Haha this is very funny! I am pretty impressed. Howe on Earth did you do that? I am loling right now :-)
A very nice multifloored map. This is pretty cool. I have a suggestion though. Edit the map so instead of shield doors try fusionh coils. I...
Its hard to tell what exactly you are saying. Please edit your post with a link tothe youtube vid.
Looks very nice excellant interlocking. Everybody takes that for grantid since geoglitching became so popular but it really is challenging. I...
This looks like great fun and evan though I have never heard of it its worthy of a feature. Great work 5/5 on the map and idea.
This looks crazy! I downloaded it and it plays as well as it looks! We were supposed o play 1 game in it but we ended up playing 3! Most...
Its a nice little guide. I think this is great instructions to help a map be the best it can be. Great job I think this could help a lot of people.
The map is good and has very good interlocking. GREAT FIRST POST! Welcome to forgehub! There is no reason for the double post though. If you do it...
I can compliment on the interlocking but thats about it. Bases look plain and bland and there is no way this map can compete with other MLG maps...
Great for a map with no interlocking lol I think you did a good job and I can expect to see a good review from Tex when the results to the contest...
Imaculate interlocking. The clean ness got my attention and is going to be the main reason I download. Best interlocking I have seen in a...
This is very nice you sir are very creative. Both pics of the helmits are very accurate and amazingly amusing too. Stuff like this is what makes...
I remember you showing me this. It is fun and the bases are pretty cool and well made. This is definately a fun map. The team on offense...
You can't have more than the set amount of objects. There is a separate glitch that allows you to have more than the set amount of objects: The...
Traffic cone... You must have been pretty mad >:-( Do you have that film saved? I checked I've never been killed by a traffic cone...
The video is of multiteam slayer. Wide open spaces are great for multiteam slayer and FFA. There is also just enough cover that you need to be...
A great first map. Wonderful interlocking although I see some gaps where grenades can escape the map. That is the only problem I see though....
I have collected all the baseball cards and forger cards in the world! 1. TDF Best minigames 2. Matty Amazingly creepy good slayermaps. 3....