The shield doors are to keep people from breaking the switch and from grenading out of the map. Plus people can't throw grenades into the top...
Great aesthletic touches! This looks like a fun map for my friends and I to ram each other with ghosts. I think you did an excellant job. If...
Haha this actually looks good! There are so many dodge ball maps people don't evan bother posting them. When I first clicked on this map I...
Flip a coin. That is what I do lol :-) Whichever you feel deserves it more. Doomsday looks like a good minigame
Half a door... It is kind of hard to get what your saying. Try putting the door into the top of the wall long ways instead of shortways like...
Man this racetrack looks SICK I love how you used all of Avalanche. I am amazed sir. I am rewarding you with a DL and a 5/5 Great Job!
I started asking people to comment when it had 85 comments. After Bayonetwork came out I wanted to get 100. I found out it was against...
The name of the song is It ends tonight The band who sings it is called The All American Rejects
Wow I am so happy to hear that from the guy who made Villa Roma thanks Paulie!
I believe you saw it the same day Roche178 and Rusty Eagle saw it. I believe I hadn't made the cave yet. Oh well glad you liked it!
I don't understand. They do it by groups now but there are maps much more worthy of Bungie favorates. Evan on a skill group like the one now,...
The map is sort of decent (I voted that) but it is questionable how much time and effort you spent working on it. Sorry man no DL from me.
Yes tonight. Look up Code Impulse on youtube and than go to the vids added today. I added a video allready and AI am editing pics right now so...
This is one of the best first posts I have ever seen! Great work! Looks great for infection and evan though I don't see interlocking it still...
Haha this is really cool and pretty funny too. I wish my sister made maps. I would take credit for all of them lol Great job 5/5 for sure
Wow this is very clean and well made! I love the structures and the decoration behind the fence walls. You did a great job I'll have to DL :-)
I'm not saying its going to make it but its pretty cool and with it not being Budget glitched I don't have to start over :P lol
It was obviose this was going to be featured. It was only a matter of time. Congrats guys!
Sweet tut. Tomorow I will post a map that will be the first completely playable map with ovable object geomerging. Great job 5/5