Ok, get on now.
5 mins.
Never played the first because... 1. Didn't own an 360 for quite some time after that. 2. I don't even think I was allowed to play it around that...
Never played the original, but always wanted to. I may pick this up.
Yeah, if it's on the internet that little program can pretty much find it no matter where it is. But they usually will ask you to email your paper...
That kid's more of a druggie than Michael Phelps.
Something to mention really quick, you had better make sure that your teacher isn't using any type of software that allows them to find the...
I searched and there was only one thread of it from like mid '08. And just because it's old doesn't make it not funny.
I love not showing you my genitals. Oh wait...
Hardy har har...
I wanna see your bum, I don't care what you say I don't have feelings 'cause feelings are gay Something something in the month of May Bitches love...
Haha, like I said, no problem. I sorta like writing stuff like that and forming an opinion, so it's one of my strong points.
The first one is better only because of his little dance during the chorus. I can't think about it without laughing!
No problem. I just got done writing an essay over discrimination and apartheid in Africa during and after imperialism, and just thought I would...
I can't have sex with your personality I can't stick my ***** in your college degree And I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams
Women are good for three things. Cooking Cleaning And Vaginas!
Yeah, like that.
Also, would you please show me your genitals? And yeah, stratigon.
Woops, I'm an idiot. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/featured-halo-maps/55328-project-x-2.html#post705435 Forgot to include that, lol.
Or I would get an led that changed colors. Does such a thing exist?