I'm getting a little fed up with the CoD franchise. Other than minor changes to the weapons and different settings, the CoD gameplay has remained...
Due to events that happened last year, my classmates and I are no longer allowed to say the word "Neck".
I agree with you in the sense that words have no more meaning than what we give them. Like Klink mentioned with George Carlin, the words are only...
I like it, but the text needs to stand out a little bit more. Less than the first, more than the second.
I think it would look better darker. Your newer one, not the old one.
Does anyone know if you can prevent this from happening by putting things like "This song is property of..." or something like that in the...
I know that, especially since Microsoft has to approve it, but I think it's been like nearly a month now.
I'm not sure why it's taking so long for them to put the update up. PC already got theirs a while back.
Yeah, VALVe almost always wants to release DLC for free, but Microsoft usually won't let them. Just got lucky, I guess.
Nevermind. Linubidix answered and helped me out.
Update in OP.
Much appreciated :)
Well, since you're a mod who's online and Insane won't answer me... I have a thread in gaming discussion about L4D's upcoming DLC. I just saw...
Well you're a mod, and from what I can see in your avatar, you like L4D. I have a thread in gaming discussion about L4D's upcoming DLC. I just...
I'll only buy this if they change things up a bit. I'm not gonna buy the same game for the third time in a row.
That's because Bungie actually makes good DLC ;)
I really want the new **** Zombies map, but if this is going to cost like 800MS, then it's not worth it. The new maps will be just as unpopular as...
Charlie Bit Me is a thousand times better than this.