Madness indeed! Give it time, the forums will rot with treachery and deceit.
Event Staff, what the how?!
.......___ ....._|__|_ .....|-_Oj) ..__Hey girl hey ..../____/|___ .//|>o< |\ . \___\\__ | \|||||| /____\o\__/
You are a SouthPark Kid. I'm just helping out wherever I can, you know how it is.
Sorry, I have to deal with a few issues at home... I probably won't be online as often either, so there's your heads up.
flaunting heterosexuality since 1986 Fix'd. Gonna try and be funny, try and spell right. :)
[IMG] Erm... no. Sorry bud, but I win this round!
It is: 3:07pm. Just keeping you updated.
The Pretenders, Foo Fighters. Lovin' the Intro.
I don't care what anyone else thinks, I love this song. Nice win, by the way.
Again, you can all thank Insane54 for his part in teaching me how to merge well with geometry, that's how I made everything so accurate! Your...
Finally. Seriously, it took this long?
Hey man, haven't talked to you in awhile! How've you been Deathly?
That's odd Tex, FFA is usually fine for up until 5 people, when 6 people join in then it becomes an issue. I'll look into it, but thank you for...
Thank you for the wonderful comments, everyone! I've had slight issue to deal with , but with this resolved I hope to spark up popularity in this...
How dare you try to post a map before giving me fair forewarning, I demand a front page post for all of your creations! I'm hurt, Good Sir. : ( I...
Your map (Flux) has been stolen: Check my thread in Off Topic for helps. Also, thank...
This is hilarious, we got your back buddy!