I see no monocle.
Where's your monocle?
Hey, at least Frankie would be willing to spend some time lerning fings at teh GUGGENHEIM!
Sarge is selling GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM TICKETS for $8 on Ebay... BUY NOW!
Blasphemy! Madness! I don't believe it! You have made a mocery of their people.
You sell out.
It's weird, not weyod! Speak like me darn you!
IRC would be nice... soon. Don't bug me at 5am my time and expect me to be up : P
Oggety Boogety?! None of that, there is only RADIO. ಠ_ಠ
.(-.-) *moc.OoG ot kcab seoG *sevaeL !veN puS *ni skaenS
Bullspit! (gotta stay G rated, you know)
Put the lime in the coke - you nut - and drink it all up! Do I win, like, a cookie or something?
This map looks as if has already been featured, and you've just edited it slightly. I wouldn't say stolen, but forgehub is more about building...
Skulls N Guns; 1. Do not double post, just edit your last post with more information. 2. To be "foundation" it should have the rooms in back, so...
!edud looc a ,he's Arahimen evol I tuB
Oh man, kids got a point. The Hub of Forge, how did you guys not think of that?! :cool:
Well I solved that problem rather quickly, didn't I? >__>
[IMG] Use the freaking sig, Ghost.
[IMG] You're freaking welcome.