avatar Avatar The Last Airbender
Stop what? Oh, and quit ****ing waking me up.
I just noticed your avatar was a skull, and not a fabulously colored muffin. Darn hopes and dreams, always being crushed and what not.
Buy. a. new. ****ing. mic.
you make frankie sad
No cream filling in your filler?! Hostess
My nose! Look what you did to my ****ing nose! Yeah, this is good. Thanks bra. o/
imma holding on-ing
i want a scratch and sniff sticker
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well maybe
Arm cramps are not fun, asshole. >: (
You shall be missed, Arahi. : (
Oh Master, you're ****ed up man. lol, that made my night, thanks. Seriously.
Bah, it's still the same thing, there's no need for two of the same things featured... guess it aint' your fault, though.
ohai *pukes* i hid it as best i could, sir...
Please answer the question, I don't want to have to pose it inside the topic where others are gonna look at it...
Haha, I'm sorry but that's a hilarious rep.
Why did my comment on your feature thread go unanswered? : (