You would have to kill the brain alone to kill him I'm fairly sure; he was a compilation of dead body parts and kept alive by some other means...
Frankenstein was already dead, for one, and I'm sure that he would die by fire's hands instead due to the angry crowds. Stoning wouldn't kill him...
Hope that's soon, you were one of the last few intelligent people here. Glad to see you online.
That would be a bit redundant, Sargie. Brb gonna go get some cats.
Hey Haru, whadup?
Is It True You Are From Bungie?
B! ... B!
Way to abandon GoO, lulz.
v No u!
How about you check Nev's public profile once in a while, Ty? : P
Oh, right; Indubitably, good Sir! I must ponder, though, where is your own photograph, it seems you've misplaced it. I must insist, Sir, please...
Ohai wait wut?
Congratu-****ing-lations, man. See you in the Hub Pub, keep up with the fantastic posts.
Well general chat isn't the most popular forum, you realize this. Maybe repost this in Blog form?
You're orange, sir. proofs: projectt2501
Well. This is a bit odd.
I feel popular, mentioned, and loved. Way to get my hopes up.
Avatar >: (
'Tis, been playing that song a lot lately. It wasn't a competition or anything, though. No prize, sorry.