The thread on is titled, "Vitruvian Omega", teh lolz. I didn't know you needed to work on Vitruvian anymore though... - Brute Captain
Seriously, this map just doesn't make the cut. You can't expect to slap together a map and call us hostile because we were giving you the truth. -...
This is probably one of the best remakes I have seen, I also like it very much because you didn't try to copy it exactly but instead incorporated...
I have played on this map and would like to say that I very much liked it and it had a very good layout. - Brute Captain
Whoa dude! Very nice, I love the look of this map. I am definately going to download this. It really looks great. - Brute Captain
Hmmm... this map looks different. You seem to have a nice balanced layout, also a good weapon placement. - Brute Captain
Originally in the Halo 2 campaign are there was a tree, so I decided to do something equally as aesthetically interesting. - Brute Captain
Thanks and also I did consider that before. When the map was tested with a beam rifle people were getting off too many shots too quickly so I...
The Plaza Author: Brute Captain The Plaza is my latest map to be posted on forgehub. Recently, after revisiting the Halo 2 campaign, I was...
Well, I checked out your map and all I can say is that the whole thing is just blatant plagiarism. The outside area and ledges looked liked they...
If you are a guilder, then why didn't this map get immediately featured huh? - Brute Captain
Wtf! Defiler, I know you! Whoa, that is weird. - Brute Captain
If you have any other maps like this or are planning on making any I would like to know. - Brute Captain
Hmm.. well before i can rate this post you must go here to learn the basics on posting. - Brute Captain
Ewww yucko. This map is like the maps were made the first week the map pack came out. No advanced forging techniques used at all. - Brute Captain
Wtf, a remake of a map not yet released. Lolz! You never know what people are going to come up with next. - Brute Captain
I orginally liked this map then... the dreaded forge through. You have a great layout and design, but honestly, this is teh slopfest. There is so...
Dude this is amazing! This map looks great for MLG. Omg I am going to download. But the only thing is, is this Paths or equality, cause you have a...
That's crazy. There is a slanted hill through the middle and it is all in the air. This must have been a pain to construct. - Brute Captain
Re: Tarantula Tower Quite different... This not only belongs in competitive maps but possibly in aesthetics as well. Look very complex and...