I think the main reason this post has gotten so many replies is because of the video, and it kinda takes the attention away from some very good...
That's what you get for using play and charge, I hate ALL cords, I just use batteries. Batteries give you a much nicer hefty feeling rumble than a...
Yeah, how about waiting till 1000000 visits before the next notification, that'll give you enough time to make it BIG.
Hmmm... well before you say they aren't that funny, maybe you should listen to all of them, they are in excess of one hundred extra lines or phrases.
This is very ture, MLG did really only a tiny tiny fraction for Halo's popularity, most it it was through Halo CE and Microsoft's vast resources....
That is what you might think Ty, but you obviously haven't delved deep enough into the Halo universe yet to understand completely what is going...
Thank you, you ripped the words from my big mouth all the while choking me, you get me. *WHY YOU little! ahhh!ahh!aahh!*
I can't imagine something nerdier than inviting your beer budies over only for them to find a collection of not just lego, HALO LEGO in your room...
I just played today and all I have to say is I love MLG. I have never had more fun playing Halo than in MLG.
I don't get what you are saying... mostly the only map actually changed that signifigantly alters play is Foundry, most other maps are USUALLY...
What?!, my point is that Halsey is not likely to be introduced in any new story lines in the future, *cough never again*.
Oh crap, I forgot about Standoff. So, no, there will not be another more open map like Coagulation because there is already Valhalla and Standoff.
Well, I am pretty certain that Bungie will only likely continue Master Chief's carrer in Marathon, and no, he can't hook up with Halsey because...
I agree with Matty, two warthogs at max on mostly any Foundry variants.
Re: Machu Picchu
It is likely. However Bungie originally intendted for Valhalla to permanently replace Blood Gulch, but maybe fans will cry out for justice.
You can speculate to whether or not you think you will like it.
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Re: My Maps Luxiar and One Way Out Also change your thread title, it should only be that of your map name.
Please correctly embed you images. You cannot directly take them from Bungie. Try using a database site for storing your pictures such as flickr...