i miss pegasi. my new guitar should come in a weeks time. [IMG] my current is too bassy and the fretboard is bowed the wrong way and its a fixed...
your girlfriend sure does lolllllllllllllllllll.
adjective - noun - misconstrue. feeling like sarge now. whatever misch.
post some love and other drugs. mmmmm jake gyllenhaal
misch shut up and stop trying to light a fire. THIS is douchey! Edited by merge: to clear up the music thang. and if me and tusk want to...
but whatever? lets end all the presumptions cos this is how it started. - a wider taste than anyone here - metal and electro was all that was...
i dont like deadpool cos of all the 4th wall nonsense, and its only vulgarly funny.
im not done until you see that calling anything i argue against you is 'douchey' and that you see that youve been douchey too - you saying what im...
not happy with title. wataboutyou linu? was tom hardy bronson? if so: AWESOOOOME
how valid is it? ok i might have missed a step... i think you said that you think that i have a grudge against you for banning me for the ED...
ignore the poll for a second ok? that pretty much an aside ok? read what quoted from you in the last page when you first said circular logic. -ew...
just did in the first quote pointing it out now certainly didnt do it here, son i used a metaphor and said: 'shall i use a metaphor?' people...
funnily enough, tusk, i dont like **** you cos it was change to forget you and overplayed.
ill stop calling you a hipster now because im bored of it but: WHY YOU HATIN ON **** I LIKE?? cept GOW3
to show my argument is invalid you take the point made (or attempted in your case) and discredit the point, not the methods used. so read my...
you can see a circle from above. im discrediting your argument with your argument im saying youre contradicting yourself. and another...
and ive have taken a reasonable census.
do i have to keep ****ing doing this?
i put this in a straight sentence to you so you can TRY to address it. what is to say that you arent stating opinion when you say that the...