jorge is invincible let the zealot hit him a backsmack it.
you dont play co op often do you Edited by merge: ive been PP every sword guy. and then you just run off And stop your damn lag
omfg so much ****ing lag
and stop downloading porn. ive never had any game so laggy
and RST get the **** in the bunker.
havent really got much time this week for halo though, exam on thursday.
they dont kill the elites. we have to ive got it down to 1 by myself. but i need a precision gun Edited by merge: And your ****ing lag makes it...
RST do something youre the ****ing host and all i can do is lag Edited by merge: heh stuck a piece of paper to my reticle
ill do it with you when you need it. RST isnt doing anything and im like no ammo.
PP all the elites.
RST you have no mic AAAAAAAIIIIIYYYYYYYYYYYEEEE also, mace is samwise so hard.
#62 is a poliwhirl. camo get back on for laso dammit.
no asians in LOTR.
grif is such a #62
camo laso?
those are some RED freckles. or is it both?
nice acne.
its in my head now. post the damn vid.
"pssst" "what" "you got the glove on the wrong hand!"