OfCourse you can!! =] dont even have to give me credit in the sig or anything, just go for it. anything for a Loyal ;)
yay! Welcomez. Your the best thing since sliced bacon!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdVHZwI8pcA and then this >.< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSEVCPmmTBA&feature=related
One thing I was curious about.. Did the Joker tell Batman that harvey was where the girl was and the girl was where harvey was? So like.. Batman...
ZOMG genetic H4X!! I think this is a joke...? I always see stories like this. And there is never real proof to back them up.. Just "witnesses"...
You got it. Detective Waylander solves teh case yet again.
I was picking up a weapon and just noticed it in the film
Lol what if I get ban hammered for having this on my fileshare?
I just realized the Spartan laser looks bloody huge in this picture...
I like number one the best. Go with that one.
sigh.. you just don't know fine english when you see it ;D what I meant was like... DQ wants to be with Tooch, and D-man must fight to save...
Monitor BUNGIE THREAD lol on the Bungie thread I was joking around in the thread description and one guy wrote this.. I think you should have a...
What are you talking about? I am a gun... LINK [IMG]
to do with DQ can haz Tooch? then not if D-man has anything to say about it..?
I got my full drivers licence last week ;D
Penguinish, I saw your one.. I really liked it ;] Nice song choice too.. [/suck up]