Wow, that looks really nice.. remember the 500x200 rule by the way..
Oh my ****ing god... what the hell is this **** D: WHY!!! WHY?!?!?!
It was too laggy for me x[ thanks for having me though Pengu, I likes your channel/site thing.
awh shucks >.< I just wanted to do something serious, seeing the subject of war is.. pretty serious, I wanted my sig to have a bit of meaning to...
That would be awesome. But its not gonna happen, they already made six. They didn't make any adjustments whatsoever to the previous one. Not even...
well I woudnt say I'm in a sci fi family. It was a good show on tv at the time; we only have 4 channels
I used to watch SG1 a long time ago when I was like 8 with my family everyweek >.<
Oh bai.
yeah I know, I just wanted to give a little teaser, until I take a digital camera photo or scan it
Could it be?!? Has she really come back?!?! Nope... Just a stupid necro post you guys. Nvm -__-
Like he said, You must have only the map name in the title of the thread. Please change the title. Good first map though, nice idea and...
I just got it like an hour ago! Its so ****ing awesome! I'm loving it. The way they introduced all the new features by forcing you to play...
Wasn't I there for like 30 minutes? ;D wheres the group Helicopter jump? D:
NEXUS BUNGIE THREAD I really like this pic. I hope you like it too ;] [IMG]
Dulce et Decorum Est I decidded not to do this one on the computer(apart from the border) Instead, I worked away at it in Biology class lol.....
I said cute, not hot.. There is a difference In Zerosun's piece the girl is more attractive I agree.