Lol i don't know >.<
**** it.
if you insist... I'm on iPod so this could take a while.. Colour suggestion?
I am keeping the blue for now.
Yah yeah yeah. Lqtm bish. I have mastered the customization feature.
"He's not a "boyfriend..." at least for now... -=-=- I am enrolled at NDSU (North Dakota State University)" Tell me moooore ;D
gtg (blarg too short)
what bars?
you can use that "best thing since sliced bacon" in the OP if you really like ;]
I just realised I've pretty much stolen the theme you originally had...
well I didn't really want it to be like loyal, I just liked the colour ;[ I might change it I thinks..
My hyperlinks make you loyal
ha-ha-ha >__>
you shouldn't have told everyone.. it could have been an uber pro secretness
yeah, I'm fixing mine
WHOA! what the ****zorz? Your profile is all yellow and themed