You are my hero. Actually I checked back a few minutes ago and I noticed that it was being rendered. I was like lolwut?
Set the custom powerup to instant respawn, so you have no choice but to get it if you want to exit.
Action Shots [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
ODS3(recommended 16 players) You are an ODST. Your ship has been hit hard by the covenant and is quickly descending. You and 3 other ODST's in...
Use blocks or something to make everything level. But make sure everything is level, otherwise if something on the 2nd floor is uneven, the thing...
The theme of a drop pod is that it's a pod. So I'm not sure if blocks make sense. They also don't merge as well as barricades do.
We'll see how this turns out. Anyways, the map is finished now and I'm hoping to get it tested sometime tonight or tomorrow. I fixed up the drop...
You could still technically make that, or at least the black hole part. The other aesthetics of the map... not so much. But I think it would look...
yech. not my style. but I'll give it a shot later.
:( Message is too short so I added this part but only count the sad face kay?
meh, doesn't turn me on. I know I did a shitty photoshop job... but still. [IMG] But I think I improved the chick's skin color. Original...
you've had it like that for a while haven't you?
My brother used to have the same problem. All the maps were on my account, and he couldn't always use them. It usually doesn't let you load the...
-Blam- you! [IMG] Comments on this? When I found this, the arbiter was actually standing straight up, sword sheathed in his other hand, facing...
From the Gatehouse thread You should've given Val most of the credit, you didn't even mention his name.
Did you play something with more than 1 round? what was it?
I wonder why it was rejected.
I already did yesterday when you told everyone to join :) like a sir
oic I don't know if I should get a picture of a girl or a slowpoke. I feel like getting one or the other. What about a slowpoke with a girl's head?
-Little 5 year old voices -Annoying teens that swear a lot -Music through the headset -Boosters -Lvl 50 jack offs -Jacokoffs with 2 level 50...