Well I can't help you because I'm going on vacation starting tomorrow(if I weren't I'd definetly help out on this project), but I suggest forging...
You can't shoot through it though is the problem, but try something like this. Sorry I know it's a bad pic, but basically all it is is a shield...
I just wanted to point out that bungie has already stated time after time that they will NOT add new armor perms into halo 3.
Not expecting it to be incredibly long for something that was meant to be an expansion. Didn't bungie say it wasn't as long as H3 campaign already?
As of now, I will be on vacation for a couple of weeks, so I'm probably not going to be on for a bit. I'll bring my laptop along but I'm probably...
Why does that matter? Not very many people have attempted this, and I think this guy did a great job. Maybe if the letters were sspaced apart...
Update: Trailer is now up for viewing.
well I think it's sxc
Pointy rusty bedspring+toe, didn't go to the hospital(don't ask why). Still have a scar there, plus the toenail is yellow and dead probably from...
Cool it looks a lot like an old war photograph. How did you get this effect?
...You are probably the 4th or 5th person to ask me today. I might make one later if this continues.
Or commandeering x-wings?(If you look closely, you'll notice that there are spartans on the sides of them)
Lol I did a shitty photoshop job on this one... but here it is. Took me like 5 minutes to do :P [spoiler][IMG] [/spoiler]
Halo Waypoint So the press release for Microsoft's upcoming Halo anime project, Halo Legends, landed on my desk this afternoon. Whilst it only...
Just make sure that you ONLY use the drop pod, okay? Nothing else from the structures of the maps itself.
It's in red for a reason. And yes, it would normally be able to respawn. But you can't get back inside the ship. And yes, I'm fully aware that the...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/79970-ods3.html, thee video has been rendered if you want to see. The youtube version is terrible I...
I was actually trying to go for that look, that's why a giant part of the wall is missing in the ODST base. The covies base is messy I will agree,...
Nope it's not working , youtube it is then :S I've already seen the quality from past rendered clips and am not too impressed. But that's okay I...
Usually I just upload it to youtube. I'll get back to you in a bit when it's done. I feel like adding some Halo 3 music to add to the mood :P...