It's pretty much useless for people who hae a 20G hardrive but I guess this does give me a reason to go out and buy a 120.
I haven't seen any good or race maps in general on avalanche for a while, kudos for making one. Nice merging the man cannons into the blocks, but...
The base is not 'lopsided' either. Half of it has been taken out but that was for gameplay and aesthetics reasons. It's important for the...
Bungie could be bringing 4 grenades back. But holding 16 might be a little much, so it might just be 12.
I know conker... but I just mean it's too bad that the drop pod couldn't have been made that way. If you really think about it, this is lots...
I like how you made your drop pod, but it seriously looks like it would break really easily. Can't wait to see the finished product, (or even...
Actually, I think he's getting off a vehicle.
You haven't answered any of my halo-based prayers yet? :(
I'll make it my avvy for 5 mins. Ticking clock is ticking. Tell me when you've seen it.
I have it done but I can't upload it where I am right now for some reason :(
I've tried making something like this before but it failed. Kudos to the map, it looks really well made. But when I tried to make something like...
Oh really? Hm. I never actually noticed that during online, but thanks for telling me... it didn't happen during testing. I'm gonna guess and say...
You should have had it so that the spartan was entirely black, just like on the ads, but still... I've always found these to be funny. [IMG]
It's a fairly nice effect but would probably be better if 1)The plasma pistol and AR weren't in the background. 2)The spartan wasn't looking down...
You should honestly make it somehow so that you can go through the portal, have you tried using teleporters yet? That would be so cool. You map is...
The turret was too overpowering, so I made it so you needed to brake it first to be able to use it. lol... 4 days in and the map has 250 dl's....
You should be able to do that in infection. ZOMBBIESS!