Yes, I'm fully aware of that. But what is the theme of firefight really? Surviving for as long as you can, and that's basically what I'm trying to...
/facepalm Aesthetics are just as important in sandbox as they are in foundry for the more avid forger just so you know. Also, lots of people care...
I lol'd at your user name
I know the theme is a bit cliche, that's what I was worried about as well. But so far it's worked fine, and there's something new about it. I was...
There's gonna be cover and shiz later so the covenant have a better chance at getting to the base. And I was trying to go for an unfinished...
I think you can grab it from any angle you want, just as long as it's stationary and at an angle when you grab it. From there just lower it in...
Harpoon gun. Latch yourself onto pesky banshees or hornets to hijack, or when an enemy's shields are down, finish them off by pinning them to a...