Look at the OP... There's a picture and floating above the people are 4 letter tags.
Yeah.. I can also see it being used for machnima purposes. Oh, and remember when everyone was arguing whether the bright blue object was a sword...
[IMG] Mouveable bridge? Sounds good to me :)
Tell me when it's done.
1) I've never really been a fan of the grafiti effect, I find it kind of distracting and weird, but Joe's effect going through makes it look...
Anything from the xbox live marketplace(map packs, themes/gamer pics, ect ect)
I've already said this before, but if you're going to attempt something like this, then I recommend that you build a big flat area first floating...
I personally loved the first version, I thought it played really well as a 2v2 map. The aesthetics are still as good as ever, and although you...
**** it. Went down to 90% meaning 2 people shamelessly voted 1. Bitches. But HEV drop pod reached 1000 today and 100%. See how long that 100 lasts...
Lot harder than it seems, there's more than 1 way for the covenant to get inside. Furthermore, they'll be continuously barraged by an onslaught of...
The update is now out to the public. None of the GoD's really interest me, and a lot of the stuff on the avatar market place looks really...
lol that's waaay too big of a project for me right now sorry. I've tried it, but in the end gave up. If you were to have the ODST drop pods, then...
Is that multi-level?
I don't really think I could give you any useful tips(I've never made a slayer map save conquest before... and I only have a basic understanding...
You can make it, doesn't really matter to me and I'm already doing something anyways.. Just as long as you credit me for the original idea and map...
I've been meaning to do something like this as well for a rescue kind of game, but so far there's no way. Gotta rethink and redo most of the map...
ty . '
I still have no idea what you're talking about. Why and what do you want me to make? And I don't really want to make another forum account :S
Uhh... couldn't you do something that simple by yourself?
Unconfirmed. So far I've only seen large capital alphabetical letters.