Nope. I'm limited to the G&A forum. Sorry. Report it, and someone'll get to it.
[IMG] Did you make that? Because therefore is spelled wrong
When people Collab, they don't actually forge together. It's more the planning stages, then you build and then pass it off to your partner....
IMO, for added awesome, you should add a touch of colour. Even if it's just giving the colour back to his lips in the middle picture. Try...
Yo, *****. I just saw the new Fast and the Furious. I also found out, on tuesday, that I'll probably be able to do a comic for both a design and...
About a week ago.
You don't stand a chance.
Ooh lah lah. Mr. Scary Pants
Just close your eyes and swing.
You just wanted to dust of the ol' banhammer.
Don't you have 2 and half pages of reported posts to attend to?
**** is fine. Richard gives him an outlet to truly express himself.
Richard Simmons is a dear friend of Robin. I'll hear no more harsh words about him.
Ooh lah lah The mighty Knob Lad hath returned to the kingdom
It's a goddamn motorcycle with rockets on it! Who the hell replaces something as badass as that?
I've never used Gimp.
Yessir, I do.
I guess your spider senses fail you... again. The tumbler was blown the **** up, and I just kept the two front wheels. And no, you can just...
Web!? HA! Your arrogance amuses me.
You just think that, you keep thinking that. I'm sure as my batarang bursts through your trachea you'll reconsider.