All in all. Fix what you gotta fix, but you're still gone.
Easy as cake. mmm cake
Cool story bro. I'mma still take your arse out for real.
Gotcha partner
Who's you?
I heard Prototype is a pretty cool game.
How dare you edit my OVER 9000 post
Your avatar.... and I still can't find a half decent avatar.
I see what you did thar
You think you can Haylo today?
/facepalm I will simplify at that. Don't bother me.
Having fun locking all those threads
lul MLG Hamburglar
I lol'd at your bread.
like the thread name? :p
True or False? You are and hero.
Whenever you have free time, a member has made the same thread in two different forum sections, General Chat and Off Topic. ONE TWO
Wanna do it kitty kat?
You changed yours too lul
OMG I just laughed my ass off when I refreshed my page, I'm like wtf I'm not Shadow... aw good one