No warthogs on blackout :D its SB
ur supposed to say whos there bish
Got a stock.
yo dawg i heard you like knock knocks soo..... *Knock Knock*
Yeah, the blood ruins it kind of, and the backround, it looks to plain.
its stickied, it wont die .
Thats waaaay bettter than the original H3MB, it has voice, and humor which makes it 100% more watchable.
They obviusly had to re-act it, i dont think there was camera while the little boy got his pe-***** touched.
what he said.
i didnt even know there was a star rating system, but honestly, i dont think you should worry abbout that, just worry about the feedback they post.
No myspace? im not a fan of facebook.. and i think that zune on the 360 would be waay better, ivew tried to connect my system many times, and i...
its **** like this that make overproctective parents. Something like this happened in canada, a 14 year old ran away and died cause his mom...
v2 has much better blending. good job
Woah, thats crazy.
iinoD/Donii Get it?
i swear i seenthat scooter at canadian tire.
FU and i could try, but im not goig to send it to you if its bad.
Whats smudged. the lighting is good but, looks like just a render.
i wasnt, i was just supporting that one part of his thing, i dont know much about american politics, but i know thats one effect from socialism.
i ahte subscribe whores..