no, why?
are you a better teacher than frag man?
i didnt want to quote, thats why i put spaces, i kno they dont work, i just copied it, after i hit reply so Comeback = Fail
also, bigger canvas is fail for me.
[ QUOTE=Whisper;923870]Of course, why would he want a fembot to critique his ****?[ /QUOTE] Loyal = Terminated. Hi, long time no lol.
idk, im not going to make insane change it now..
by original i meant, i had ninja when i joined first,
iuno, goin back to the ninja originality.
Thanks alot, but yeah, the guide is gunna go into the OP to help people out.
kgo, also, can you change my name to doniitheNINJA ? :D
got a new halo
New youtube acc for both of us to share... Dryan Productions?!?!
Cnc [IMG]
I attempted using the Gradient tool and mapping. [IMG]
Exactly what natu said, accept, the white spots are kind of annoying to look at,
You should right a guide on how to make a good review, yours was really good, i want to follow it and write a review on Wall-e but im not good...
>:o You just called jesus a bish. ):
Its Jesus lol
Im glad someone pointed this out,. ive come across about 95 kids whos "parents" work for bungie, so they get free things. and its Bullshit.
The predator sig looks really good, i love the brown scheme, and the geers one seems to cluttered, and theres not much of a focal, the c4d...