Wow, first ive seen, i might Download later. the only flaw i see is the gravity hammers.
it looks good, but the smudging was a little wierd.
I can upload it to photobucket if you want, or send it to you through msn, i already made a pretty good sig with the stock so i hope you like it.
yeah, comics are time consuming.
Yeah, i do that all the time, make random **** with natu, but the people are our spartans. we make, its the simplest thing but its really fun.
k, havnt got anything yet,.
Im sure it does. What is it, is it like, halo? are you doing it by hand?
yeah, and linu admin '10 dumb **** like that. sooo. i herd u liek makin comics?
i was one of those things were the other kids suck up to you.. ya know? ive seen like 7 differnt people with. "If you think saregent sarcasem...
your so good, Sarge 4 admin.
yeah, add it.
LOCKED.. Dumbass o/ :D
^ What he said
im lost.. k, Whisper doesnt have loyal, it was just a thing we were talking about on xbox earlier, and i want to know if you can help me, cause...
can you help me with blending renders?
oh, no, it was just a thing we were tlaking about on xbl.