oh, i have more
[IMG] took about an hour and a half.
Pretty much.
lol mature content: [spoiler]"that nigga be trollin"[/spoiler] i lol'd
Is this what we played last night?
Good Luck, wanna play a few games of halo before you go? and that dryan thing, it was a joke. yeah, i got my halo back, so play some mlg with me,...
Type: Explosive. Name: C4 Description: Place it in a vehicle, when you get high jacked, you can detonate the C4. Pros: Teaches kids not to Jack...
matt. look at my most recent games
v4 has more of a focal, Good smudging i think? overall, it looks nice.
there accually is a dome, its huge. Visitor Message ryan, and see if he will put it on his fileshare for you.
OOOOOH, Then yeah, that's pretty funny.
Dood, check my most recent game... i 4 shot him like 7 times.
your not online...
k, im on.
is he suposed to be balancing on the wall?
Meh... I met Montageeeee 5 minutes after the MLG top 10 came out. thats about it though. Noone that special. Edit: i played someone yeserday, i...