umm, i dont know exactly. i dont hunt big game. only like, bunnies and stuff. it was a small rifle, nothing big, and i have a high powered pellet...
oh. i got into it at around 10, my moms new husband is like, a hillbilly.
hog? like, pig? hunting is awesome. when did you start.
and i live in canada middle school doesnt teach much about the us until highschool.
i skip geo. have you ever gone hunting?
yes, ask bloojay
oh, i was jw, cause you said you like country music.
Elites are dirty. All im looking forward to with odst is the ability to beta test reach,
IS missisipi in the south?
Never bothered me. On my map it happened, andi didnt interlock anything, i think it just happens naturaly, just delete it, save, spawn a new one,...
v4, the two text colors look great together.
Edit the OP*
my sig shop, has spam, and natu and i want to make a new one, and i want to make it, because i need to be able to edit the page and stuff since...
k, your on the waiting list.
you've requested in more than just our shop, so your request is being denied.
yooo blakk?