kk. bai
Sure, I'm alright with that. Also, If we go to the city I can get the Dark Knight Returns.
Yeah, I was scrolling through it the other day trying to find a post I made back in July and I scrolled through 50 pages and it was still at the...
For a few weeks a couple months ago I felt like that. Just kinda bored. I've been here over a year, doing fine.
He kinda is :/ Says he's slowly losing interest.
'Twas more so practice rather than anything else. Getting some concepts for my hero. Though I have to keep in mind what the style that my comic...
Original design or reimaginations/traces? Either way, they're great. Personally, my favourite is the first.
Hey mate, max sig height is 200 pixels. Just a heads up.
I just read your sig. Any reasons why you think most mods are incoherent dicks?
Got bored... [IMG]
Yeah, that's totally acceptable. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/66800-vector-farrell.html#post823334 Posted that more as an example...
[IMG] Did something simple. Traced bitmap then put it into Photoshop, added the band and text. Posted this more as an example on what's...
Aw, I like seeing yor stuff.
Will do. Once I get some solid ideas down, I'll throw 'em your way.
Awesome. That'd be fantastic to have some real, valuable feedback
[IMG] Did a few new things. Despite the size(I regret making the canvas so small) I rather like it.
Y'seen In Bruges?
Sig itself is great but the text is terrible. Sorry, I can't think of any way to put it nicely. The current font is fine, but it's too large. Make...