Er, I didn't use the map's lighting to make the flag glow, I created a "beacon". I could've placed it wherever I liked. It's a mancannon...
Erm, I think it's a vegetable......I'm not quite wait maybe it's a actually, now that I think about it, it appears...
They don't call me the master map breaker because of my good looks ;) It will remain a dormant secret, unless the map becomes featured of...
Heh, I think you'll be altering a bit more when you check the vid. I could've gone round to the otherside of the map as well but I didn't bother...
I got past all bits. Later on I noticed there was a whole section I missed though involving a bunch of rooms with turret and mongoose clipping, I...
Psshhh, what kind've failure is this? Grenades? Fuel Rods? Fusion Coils?!? What happened to the days where it was possible to jump out of a map...
A pretty cool puzzle map. I didn't enjoy getting crushed by the second wire spool though, even when I destroyed the fusion coils before hand I...
Well it's like that on purpose. Personally I hate it when people grenade spam bases, especially when you've just spawned. The beacon prevents such...
Looks great from the pics (Argh don't judge maps on pics!) you have my D/L I really like the stairs with the bridge, that looks very smoothly...
What a smooth looking map. Considering the time-frame and your "general" approach it all looks very clean and neat. I like the vehicle support,...
Not much, taking things slowly again now with the forging. I start my first job in just over a week so I'm nerding up on my programming books!
Thanks for all the great comments everyone! Gameplay feeback would be greatly appreciated as well. I like to know how people feel it plays,...
Sometimes it's hit and miss with the competitive section because there are so many maps. If people think it's good then it will stay alive.
Just incase any of you visitors here have missed it, my latest map is finished! You can find it Here
Lol in RL And people like you are the reason I make maps and submit them to the community!
Argh, sorry I never got back about the "in-depth" analysis but that's because you cornered me with a pm on B.Net about me having a video of your...
Lots would have to be done to make this a suitable map for MLG. I would have to remove all the movable objects for one, which wouldn't be too bad...
Thanks man. I'll check to see if that gametype is suitable and post it up in the first post. I didn't want to take up a fileshare slot on a...
I hinted at the secret with the backstory of the "beacon" Thanks for all the great comments so far guys!
[IMG] After over a month of forging and countless hours I have finally finished my first venture into a truly competitive map. All my previous...