You are a snake, that is made of ivory.
lol, gnite dood
The Most Recent Episode am back, after about a month of not rambling. I talk about a website I...
Grr, it just went down again for me. D=
=] Too bad no one else is on to wreak havoc with.
That was lame.
Oh and btw. I'm down for cod4 later tonight if you want =]
I iz still cool D=
I dun haz no moar gearz D= Data took it wit him...I love Horde.....So much.....
The parties are indeed over...I've got so much ****in cleaning to do now >:[
Cleanin up before the rents get home tomorrow.
So, not to get off-topic, but I didn't suspect you'd like weedz. I ****in love that show, but have only seen so few an episode... Anyways, family...
Wow...A walking billboard...That's anti-advertising...itself...You sir, are your own paradox.
Where'd you get that exactly?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ya, hangs out with Paulie and American10 if I'm not mistaken.
Nathan Green?
That. Was. AWESOME. =D
Question answered. Locked upon request.
Sweeny, I love you. That was pretty much what needed to be said. Sharp, if you don't listen to him, then let me say this. You're a ****ing...